If you are moving house, working or teaching from home or a community space, I invite you to bless the architecture and guardians of the directions on arrival. By honouring the physical space, you empower the psychic energy drawing in protection, peace and abundance.

Vastu sastra is the Indian science or system of mapping and designing architecture of buildings and construction in precise geometrical patterns which align with the all of the directions and the associated energies (and deities). The structure or site could be a home, office, temple, garden or city. For example, Jaipur, the pink city in Rajasthan was designed by Vidyadhar Bhattacharya on instruction of the Rajput maharajah Jai Singh around vastu sastra principles. Le Corbusier, who designed Chandigarh in the Punjab, also draw upon vastu sastra. The great temples of Tamil Nadu at Chidambaram are built along the ancient principles. All of which I had the privilege of recently visiting - and the energies emanating from these spaces powerfully influenced my energy field and spiritual alignment as I entered from the North or East and moved to the sacred centre or heart known as the Brahmasthan.

Ritual practice to bless your sacred space
Chant Vāstu Puruṣa Mantrā – Dikpāla
Namaste Vāstu Puruṣayah
Bhooshayyah Bhirat Prabho
Madgriham Dhan Dhaanyaadi
Samriddham Kuru Sarvada
Oh Vastu, I bow to you
One who delights in resting on the earth
Always grant abundance, stability and sacred peace to my home/space/abode
Turn with a candle, small bowl of water, sweet or flower offering or namaskar to each direction and offer invocations
1. East: Oṁ Lam Indraay Namaḥ
2. South East: Oṁ Ram Agnaye Namaḥ
3. South: Oṁ Maam Yamaay Namaḥ
4. South West: Oṁ Ksham Narritye Namaḥ
5. West: Oṁ Vam Varunaay Namaḥ
6. North West: Om Yam Vayve Namaḥ
7. North: Oṁ Saum Somaay Namaḥ
8. North East: Oṁ Ham Ishanaay Namaḥ
9. Above: Oṁ Aam Brahmane Namaḥ
10. Below: Oṁ Hrim Anantaay Namaḥ
With blessings of radical love